CSS has bundled many of our most popular software modules into affordable packages that work together as an integrated system. These packages can be purchased to perform specific tasks within your business.
Our financial system consists of four modules working together to provide the accounting and financial reporting you need. The system comes with a general ledger system that will produce any financial statements on demand. You can run statements daily, weekly or when desired. No more waiting on an accountant to provide you with your statements. The accounts receivable module will allow entry and tracking of all invoices and payments for customers. The fixed asset module will track your assets and serialized inventory and will create the depreciation schedules and G/L entries automatically. The cash reconciliation system will give you the ability to track and clear all checks created by the system and will keep checking account balances automatically. This solution has many features and options available. The following is a brief summary of some of the features of this system. Click on the desired tab for more information.
This solution is capable of handling any number of companies or locations. All reporting can be done by either company or location.
This system is fully integrated. This means that every transaction you do will update all the other effected modules within the system providing a true real-time environment for decision making.
This system will come with everything you need to run the desired tasks. If you have any custom requirements, such as a must have report, CSS can provide custom programming to give you that perfect fit you are looking for.
must have
This system provides several levels of security. Only authorized users can perform required tasks. You can security at the system, module, company, department or user levels.
The A/R system is designed to allow you total control over your most valuable asset, your customer files. Whether you want to search for a customer, enter a cash receipt, view a customer’s invoice history or fax them a copy of an overdue invoice, this system can do it all. Our A/R system provides an extensive customer search and selection program that will allow you to find the desired customer both quick and efficiently. Our Customer Master Inquiry can provide a wealth of information about your customers. All sales information is available at the invoice summary and item detail levels. You may view current period and current/prior year sales by customer or item categories. The system will keep a complete log of all activity for each customer. You are also allowed unlimited years sales and payment history.
Entering and posting cash receipts and adjustments should be easy, fast and most of all flexible, This system allows multiple users, multiple cash accounts and any user-defined payment types including cash, checks, wire, credit cards, debit cards and non A/R cash. The system will accept multiple payments and payment types for the same invoice. You can choose between open invoice or balance forward payment methods. Edit and posting reports are provided with the ability to reprint lost or misplaced posting reports.
To be a successful business, you not only have to sell your product, you have to collect your money. Since a steady stream of cash is vital to the well being of any company, the ability to manage cash flow through A/R collections becomes a paramount concern. This system provides all the tools you need to manage your A/R while aggressively collecting on past due accounts. The system is capable of generating a set of past due letters with increasing levels of aggressiveness based on the age of the overdue invoices. A past due call list can be generated to aid in collections. Collection comments can be maintained at both the customer and invoice levels. Bad debt customers can be removed from open A/R and turned over to outside collection agencies when the internal collection process has failed.
Most of the entries coming into the G/L system will be from other modules. This system will pool all these entries for posting. Entries can be edited and posted as often as desired. The system will verify all entries before posting. Entries can be posted to the current or prior year. Users wanting to interface outside software packages can drop transactions into this file and the system will do the rest.
Our system comes with several features that will save you considerable time each month. Our recurring entry allows you to setup standard monthly batches that can be loaded and posted quickly each month. You don’t have to key in the same entries every month. Just select the batch, load it and go. The system will also handle accruals, reversals and account distributions on demand. This system does not require a month end close. You may post to any period in the current or prior year at any time. Balances will be rolled automatically. Prior periods may be locked out if desired.
A general ledger system is only as good as the financial statements it produces. This general ledger system will provide all the tools you need to maintain a complete set of financial statements by allowing user-defined financial statements and for-mats. Statements can be ran any time, for any period, this year or last. You are not limited to end of month reporting. Financial statements can be updated and printed daily if desired. This system offers a full range of statements including monthly and YTD income statements, balance sheet and trial balance reports. The system features an online financial statement with the option to drill down to the transaction detail level for each entry.
Tracking your company's fixed assets does not have to be a time consuming and costly task. Our Fixed Asset system is designed to allow you full control over the entry, assignment and depreciation of any asset you wish to manage. You may track internal assets and /or serialized inventory assets. The system comes with optional barcode printing and allows depreciation of assets with integrated updates to the general ledger system. This fixed asset system was designed to help you get control and manage your company's fixed assets.
This system comes with an asset log system that will track all activity for an asset from the time you receive it until you dispose of it. The system will generate entries into this log automatically as asset activity occurs. Users may add additional log entries as needed. Asset logs can be viewed or printed at anytime. The system will allow entry and maintenance of notes for each asset as well. These notes will follow the asset and can be viewed or printed at anytime.
You may choose from several system predefined methods of depreciation, or you may enter your own depreciation schedule. The system will compute each period’s depreciation amounts and will feed that in-formation to the general ledger system automatically. A depreciation schedule for an asset may be viewed or printed at anytime.
Reconciling your cash accounts does not have to be a frustrating experience. Unlike many other systems, our cash reconciliation system will reconcile all your checking and savings accounts quickly and accurately. The system is automatically fed the checks created by the A/P system, deposits/payments from the A/R system and checks from the payroll system. You can make additional entries for bank charges, manual deposits, transfers or interest payments. Cash position reports can be generated on demand.
Reconciling your bank accounts is simply a matter of checking off the cleared checks and entering any additional bank charges, manual deposits or interest income. The system will automatically carry ending balances over to the next cycle and update the general ledger with any new transactions entered. The system will provide a register at the end of each cycle showing all the cleared checks, cleared deposits and other activity. A final outstanding register will be printed at posting time.
Have you invoiced a customer under two different customer numbers by mistake? No problem just run option to merge and both customer number will be merge into one with all sales history for both.
This system comes with the ability to print, archive, fax or email any statement, invoice or report that is generated by the system. You have several options on how the reports will be produced including paper, PDF, Excel spread sheet or other formats.
The Financial/Accounting solution comes with the following modules included. Click on the module tab for more information.
While the Financial/Accounting solution comes with everything you need, we do provide additional modules you may want to purchase to compliment the base modules. Click on the module tab for more information.
The Order Entry package is fully integrated with the other modules in our system and can handle any number of users giving each the ability to enter orders, take payments, check the status of an open order, credit/re-bill an order or do any other needed transaction while talking to the customer on the phone. The system is responsive and easy to use, it comes with all the functionality you would expect from a state of the art order entry system costing thousands more. We handle multiple locations, multiple ship-to addresses and much more. Users can set the system up to print picking tickets and invoices on demand or by batch.
This Order Entry/Invoicing package is capable of handling any number of warehouses or locations. All locations and warehouses inventory can be seen from any location. Orders can be shipped from one or more locations as needed on the same invoice.
Our Order Entry/Invoicing system is designed to give you all the flexibility you need by offering a full complement of system and user-defined transaction codes that can be used to handle any type of transaction. Using these powerful transaction codes will allow you to customize the system to your specific needs. Users can setup transaction codes to perform any function inside the order entry system as well as codes that will take them to any other programs within the system. All sales, inventory and general ledger reporting can be tracked by transaction codes as well.
This system is fully integrated. This means that every transaction you do will update all the other effected modules within the system providing a true real time environment for decision making. You will know what you have and where it is at all times.
This system will come with everything you need to run your entire operation on one platform. If you have any custom requirements, such as a “must have” report, CSS can provide custom programming to give you that perfect fit you are looking for.
This system provides several levels of security. Only authorized users can perform required tasks. You can security at the system, department or user levels.
This system comes with an integrated serialized inventory option that is capable of tracking and allocating any type of serialized or non serialized inventory. All serialized inventory is tracked and allocated through our fixed asset module that is included in this system. You can track all serialized inventory from purchase to sales. The system will allow you to select from the serial inventory available or enter the serial number of the item you want.
For customers requiring interactive credit/debit card processing during order entry, CSS offers our fully integrated credit card processing software option. Our Credit card processing software will provide quick authorization and approvals of any type of credit or debit card in an online environment. This is an optional feature and is not required to be purchased to use this system.
This system comes with the ability to setup rental contracts for customers wanting to allow rent-to-rent or rent-to-own contracts. Contracts can be created with user-defined terms and payment methods. Recurring billing can be setup for monthly billing. Credit card payments can be generated automatically as well. The system will track all payments and can add late fees or other charges to contracts if needed. There is a rental credit facility to allow rental credit accumulation and application. Users can setup warranty or maintenance contracts for any purchased item. Maintenance contracts can be setup for automatic monthly billing and credit card payments if desired.
The system will track all taxable and nontaxable sales throughout the system. There is a complete tax exempt facility that will track all tax exempt customer sales with all the appropriate tax reporting required by the government. The system will verify all tax exempt sales and allow entry of reasons for the tax exemption.
The system provides the ability to transfer inventory from one location to another as needed. You may sell or transfer inventory from one location to another as required. The system will split orders based on shipping locations.
This system comes with the ability to setup maintenance contracts. Contracts can be created with user-defined terms and payment methods. Recurring billing can be setup for monthly billing. Credit card payments can be generated automatically as well. The system will track all payments and can add late fees or other charges to contracts if needed.
The system comes with the ability to setup recurring billing for customers that have recurring billing needs. Billing can be created with user-defined terms and payment methods. Recurring billing can be setup for user-defined time periods. Credit card payments can be generated automatically as well. The system will track all payments and can add late fees or other charges to contracts if needed.
This system will allow setup of items to be put on layaway. The system is designed to track purchase and payments on all types of layaways.
You can setup gift cards on this system. The system will track entry and sales to any gift card issued. You may also add credit to any existing gift card.
This system will allow any number of payment types to be setup. Customers can make any number of payments to their accounts or to a specific invoice.
This system will allow several different pricing structures. You can have default pricing by item, by item contract, by customer contract and by quantity discounts or previous sales totals.
The system will allow several different costing structures. You can choose from last, unit or average costing.
This system has extensive customer tracking. You can maintain a complete customer log showing all activity and interaction with each customer. The system will automatically log invoices, payments, collection calls and every other activity you had with the customer.
This system has a built in repair order system that is capable of taking in items to be repaired, printing repair tickets/orders and allows repair parts and labor to be tracked through the repair. When complete it can be turned into an invoice and billed to the customer.
This system has a built in quote system that will allow entry of a quote when requested by a customer. You can fax or email the quote, then convert it from a quote to an order automatically when it is accepted by the customer.
The Order Entry/Invoicing package comes with the following modules included. Click on the module tab for more information.
While the Order Entry/Invoicing package comes with everything you need, we do provide additional modules you may want to purchase to compliment the base modules. Click on the module tab for more information.
Your company's inventory is without a doubt, one of the largest and most difficult assets most companies must manage. Correctly managing inventory can be the single most effective way to improve your bottom line. Reducing inventory and at the same time, increasing order fulfillment ratios is the goal of our inventory control/bin management system.
Our inventory control system is designed to put all the information you need at your fingertips. Whether you are searching for an item, entering new items or creating a new bill of materials, our software will guide you all the way. Our extensive search programs will help you locate any item quickly with a minimum of effort. Item searches can be performed by item number, description, category, serial number, model or item parameter. Our inventory inquiry will show all information and transactions for any item. Sales and purchasing history by item, category or product can be viewed at any time. Items can be cloned or deleted as needed.
For customers needing extensive control over their inventory we offer our bin management system. This module will map out your warehouse into bin locations and will assign inventory to each location based on several factors. The more the item sells the more it will be moved to the front of the warehouse reducing retrieval times. The system will tell you where to put the product and where to get it from.
Our purchasing system is integrated with our inventory control module to provide automatic generation of purchase orders based on the parameters that are entered for the items in the inventory control system. The purchasing system will generate purchase orders, print and email them as desired. When product is received the system will compare all incoming receipts against the purchase order to ensure that the product is what was ordered.
This inventory system is capable of handling any number of warehouses or locations. Every location's inventories can be seen from any location.
If you have any custom requirements, such as a must have report, CSS can provide custom programming to give you that perfect fit you are looking for.
This system provides several levels of security. Only authorized users can perform required tasks. You can have security at the system, department or user levels.
Our inventory maintenance will allow you to locate any item quickly with a minimum of effort. Item searches can be performed by item number, description, category, serial number, model, brand or item parameter. Items can be cloned or deleted as needed. This system has a complete item note facility that will allow entry of different notes for each item.
This system comes with extensive inventory sales and transaction reporting. The system will allow all reporting by location if desired. Our inventory inquiry will show all information and transactions for any item. Sales and purchasing history by item, category or product can be viewed at any time.
This module can be combined with our fixed asset module to allow a completely integrated serialized inventory system that is capable of tracking and allocating any type of serialized inventory. Serialized inventory can be depreciated using several standard methods if desired. All serialized inventory is tracked and allocated through our fixed asset system that can be purchased with this module. The fixed asset system will create a log for each serial item and will allow tracking from purchase through disposal.
This system comes with a complete physical inventory system. You may count one location or all locations at one time. The system assigns a tag number to each item to be counted before printing count sheets. Labels can be printed for bin tagging if desired. Count tag entry is quick and easy. Counts can be edited and compared before posting. The system also comes with a complete serialize inventory counting process and a cycle count system.
This inventory control system tracks the following for each item: quantity on hand, quantity on purchase orders, quantity committed to open orders, backordered and available quantities. You may see both item and location quantities at anytime.
This system will allow several different pricing structures. You can have default pricing by item, by item contract or by quantity discounts or previous sales totals.
This system will allow several different costing structures. You can choose from last, unit or average costing. Costing can be 2,3 or 4 decimals.
This solution comes with a complete bin system that will allow you to divide up your warehouse into sections and bin locations. The system will track all bins and will tell the user where the items are and where to put them when purchased.
This system comes with an automated purchase order generation program that will give you complete control over the purchasing process. This program determines what product needs to be ordered by looking at the minimum and maximum information for each item. Time constraints are examined by using the lead and review times entered for each item. It will also take into consideration any backordered items when recommending what should be ordered. The system will provide an edit report showing all new purchase orders that will be created when the post procedure is ran.
Creating and processing purchase orders should be both fast and easy. On this system purchase orders can be manually created in our P/O entry program or generated automatically by our scheduling program. Users can view current or prior sales history when deciding how much of a product to order. Once created, the purchase order can be printed, faxed or emailed as many times as needed. The software comes with a standard 8 1/2 x 11 purchase order form printed on blank paper. CSS can provide a custom purchase order form or overlay if desired.
Our inventory receipts process was designed to allow you the ability to receive your purchase orders quickly and efficiently. The system allows for rapid selection of any open purchase orders to be received. Product can be received in one full shipment or several partial receipts. Purchase orders can be closed when received in full or after any partial amount is received. The receipt pro-gram will handle any serialized inventory and add it to the fixed assets automatically. Edit reports can be printed before posting.
This system is capable of reading and printing barcodes for incoming product.
This system will support both stocked and non stocked items. You can create purchase orders for both.
This system will allow items to be grouped into item categories allowing many functions to be done to several items at a time. Calculating min and maxes and producing reports can all be done by item category for effective processing.
This system will support a multiple level bill of materials. You can have unlimited levels and unlimited sub-assemblies within the BOM. The system will track material cost, labor and waste for each item entered. Costing is updated automatically when cost for raw materials change.
This system comes with the ability to print, archive, fax or email any statement, invoice or report that is generated by the system. You have several options on how the reports will be produced including paper, PDF, Excel spread sheet or other formats. This option requires purchasing the email or fax module.
The Inventory/Bin Management solution comes with the following modules included. Click on the module tab for more information.
While the Inventory/Bin Management solution comes with everything you need, we do provide additional modules you may want to purchase to compliment the base modules. Click on the module tab for more information.
Our employee management solution comes with both our Payroll and Human Resource modules. These two modules working together will provide all the functionality you need to process and track any size payroll. Need to meet the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act? Our system tracks and prints all the required forms for employee and government reporting.
The payroll module will handle multiple companies/states. You may setup any number of departments and work centers. The system tracks up to 24 user-defined deductions and 8 pay types. The system will track vacation, sick and personal hours accrued and used. A simple check routine and direct deposit system are also included.
Our Human Resource module is designed to interface with our payroll system providing you the ability to track any type of information you want about your employees. The system is user-friendly allowing you the ability to define action codes and action types for all tracking needs. Whether you need to track union dues, workman's compensation data, employee evaluations or maintain detailed safety records our human resource system can do it all.
This solution is capable of handling any number of companies or states. All reporting can be done by state or company.
The payroll system provides a system wide default password that protects all sensitive employee data. You can also setup security at several different levels based on your need. Only authorized users can perform required tasks. You can setup security at the system, module, company, department or user levels.
The heart of any good P/R System is its check writing process. Employee time card generation needs to be quick, easy and forgiving. Our system allows time card generation by several different parameters. Once generated the system will calculate all taxes and deductions and print an earnings list. Errors can be corrected before any checks are printed. Checks can be selected, printed, deleted or reprinted as many times as needed, no updating is done until post time. The system comes with two options for printing checks: a standard pin feed check or a laser check. Both are provided in the base package. CSS can customize the check layout to any design you need. We can also create a layout to print on blank check stock if desired.
Our payroll system comes with a fully functional direct deposit system that will allow you to have up to six direct deposit accounts for each employee. You may direct deposit any dollar amount or percentage of an employee's wages. The system will create the standard direct deposit file that can be downloaded and sent to your bank for processing.
Once the last checks for the year have been printed and the year-end process has been completed, the system will save off the files needed to process the W2 information. You may print W2's anytime after the year-end has been finished. The system will print W2's on pin feed or laser forms. You may also generate the media file required by the SSA. This file can then be downloaded and sent to the SSA.
This system will allow extensive tax and wage reporting for any and all employees. You can run earning and tax reports for any period of time not just the current year.
This system will allow automatic generation of time cards. This can be a great time saver. Once generated, the time cards can be updated if necessary before the earning are calculated. You can have multiple time cards for an employee and have the system combine them or print separate checks as desired.
You can choose to void any payroll check that has been posted to the system. Doing so will reverse all taxes and deductions automatically. General ledger entries will be created to reverse the posted check entries.
This payroll system is integrated with our A/P system and will allow you to automatically create A/P vouchers for all the taxes and deductions that need to be paid after the pay cycles is completed. You simply setup the needed vendor information and the system will do the rest.
The system provides the ability to enter edit and post manual checks for customers that need to process a manual check without running the regular check process.
This system will allow entry of all workman comp rates based on work center or department. The system will calculate all workman comp amounts and produce the required reports for government and insurance reporting.
This system comes with user-defined tax tables. This means that you can maintain you own tables and not have to pay someone to update them for you. All federal, state and local taxes can be entered by state. The system will calculate all taxes based on the information contained in the tax tables.
This system tracks all employee history. The employee inquiry will display all checks an employee has received. You can also view the salary history of the employee.
This system will allow entry and tracking of all the information required to print employee and government documents required to meet all AHA requirements. The electronic file for the SSA will be generated as well.
This system comes with a terminated employee inquiry that will allow viewing of any terminated employee and all related time card, employee history and checks issued.
The Human Resource system allows you complete control over all employee data processing by the creation and maintenance of action codes and types. Both the action codes and the action types are unique to each company setup in the system. This means different companies can have different action codes and action types. Users can add any number of action codes/types as needed. Action codes are used to allow the user the ability to define what category of data you wish to track and the way you want to track it. Not only are the action codes user-defined, but fields within the action codes can be user-defined as well.
The Human Resource System allows creation and maintenance of system-generated calendars for supervisors and other personnel. Users can select any detail, employee, action code or type to be included on a specific calendar. Examples of some calendars would be: employee evaluations, disciplinary and promotion, birthday or vacation calendars. Since the user defines all the calendars codes you may choose as many as you need and customize the system to your specific needs. Calendar codes are used to group certain types of detail entries on the same calendar. An example of this could be as follows. A company has setup an action code of work history. Inside of this action code are several action types such as evaluations, discipline hearings and quality control testing. The user will enter detailed information about the employee for each action type assigning a calendar code to each entry. Calendars can then be printed for each supervisor showing all the different dates for scheduled evaluations, disciplinary hearings or quality control testing.
The Employee Management solution comes with the following modules included. Click on the module tab for more information.
While the Human Management solution comes with everything you need, we do provide additional modules you may want to purchase to compliment the base modules. Click on the module tab for more information.